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Burglary & Theft Claims On The Rise

In recent years, New Zealand has witnessed a concerning surge in commercial crime, with burglary topping the list of insurance claims. According to data from NZI Insurance, commercial crime claims rose by a significant 26% last year, with Auckland bearing the brunt of this increase, accounting for 37% of the claims. This alarming trend underscores the pressing need for businesses across the country to fortify their defences against theft and burglary.

Garry Taylor, executive general manager at NZI, states “While population will no doubt factor into this, it’s clear that businesses right across the country are suffering from an increase in crime, particularly burglary”. Burglary has remained the most common type of crime claim for the past five years, accounting for 75% of crime claims in 2022 (2,773 claims).

“Anecdotally, the addition of vape products in dairies appears to increase the risk of burglaries,” said Taylor. “Over the past decade, security measures for cigarettes have been developed and improved and are now at generally good standards. However, vaping products, which are newer to New Zealand, tend to have fewer security measures, making them common targets for thieves.”

We have noticed amongst our clients an uptick in burglary and/or theft related claims, which is distressing, and it takes up valuable time for clients endeavouring to manage businesses, work and/or households alike. Being aware of any potential threats or risk of loss before it happens is always the best measure against a burglary or theft, but things do happen and that is where insurance cover helps protect.

At AIB, we have dedicated claims team here to support clients through the process. We help manage the delay, expectations and provide the insurer with the information they need to accept and pay a claim as soon as possible.

Here is list of documents and detail we will need to get your claim assessed and paid as quickly as possible.

  • 1. Completed claim form

  • 2. Confirmation of how entry was gained

  • 3. Copy of the Police Acknowledgement form

  • 4. Proof of ownership for stolen items (e.g., invoices, receipts, store records, photographs)

  • 5. Quotations for replacing stolen items

  • 6. Photos documenting any damages incurred

Additionally, it is important for policyholders to review their insurance policy schedule to confirm the level of coverage, applicable excess for burglary and/or theft, and the scope of coverage in place. Clarifying whether the policy extends to cover losses nationwide or is limited to specific locations is crucial in avoiding misunderstandings during the claims process.

Does your policy extend to cover losses anywhere in NZ or is it just for a specific site?

Please talk to your AIB Group Broker about this detail if you are unsure.

It’s important you tell us about a loss straight away. Informing us late and/or once you have replaced items can put the Insurer in a difficult position and to fully pay a claim without been made prejudice by the late notification.

Notify us of a claim online - or [email protected] and one of our dedicated Claims Team will be in touch.

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